We Can Assist You With !!

Credit Education services

Get help challenging the negative item's on your credit report. Here at the Credit Handler we are very aggressive when it comes to our clients consumer report's we aim to help you get results as fast as possible by utilizing consumer laws against the credit bureaus and creditors.

Inquiry Education


Having too many inquires can stop you from being approved for additional credit cards, Loans and lines of credit. We alway's tell our clients if the inquiry is not attached to an open account then it should not be on your consumer report.


Leveraging your credit could potentially give you Financial freedom if you invest into Assets that can pay for your liabilities. If your credit is already good and you don't have to many inquires you may be able to start getting yourself funded anywhere from $0-$250k

Is Credit Repair For Me?

Does It Really Work?

My staff and I will ensure you understand your options and work with you to solve any problems that you may have. We value all of our current and potential clients here at The Credit Handler LLC feel free to give us a call (302)253-7652

You have a low credit score

You have lots of debt

You have defaulted

You have had a bankruptcy

You have derogatory info on your credit

Financial Literacy Coach

Pressure The CEO

I understand how it can be to have bad credit. I have been mastering credit for over 7 years now and i remain a student of the game. Having good credit is a starting point that can change your whole life but it all starts with mindset. Ive taught hundreds of people how to leverage their credit to become financially free. This credit restoration program is not for everyone but it is for anyone who is seriouse about changing their current situation. If that person is you and you are willing to do what it takes to change your financial situation. Continue with the program and always Remember that elevation is key.

What My Clients Say

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